Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Something's up

I swear Molly was on the computer today. I mean working on it, people! I think she's trying to set up a blog on the sly. I was looking out the front window, minding my own business, playing right into her hands, apparently, when I heard something from the study. I listened -- nothing -- then click, click, click. Typing! So I jumped down and ran in there but she was just sitting on the floor, with that dumb vacant look. (See what I mean?)

I'm beginning to suspect the dumb act may be just that...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

It really is a dog-eat-dog world...

At least it was at our house this weekend. Sydney and Annie came to visit, and Molly did not like them. Not at all. The humans had to keep pulling Annie and Molly apart, and they couldn't stay in the same part of the house with us when the humans were gone. Molly got a scratch across her chest, but seems okay. Sydney just tried to avoid her; she's not a fighter like Annie. I think Molly was just protecting her territory; after all, she'd never met them before. And Annie just doesn't like other dogs at all. I have vivid memories of being pinned by her when I would go visit them at their house.

Good times, good times.

Annie, looking deceptively un-ferocious

Sydney, resting on her beanbag

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


On Sunday, I came across something odd, and from things my humans have talked about in the past, I think it might have been Godzilla. Or a lizard. Anyway, it was very strange, small and green with a red throat one minute, opening its mouth like it's going to bite me, and then brown and still the next. Odd. I didn't know what to make of it. My humans didn't seem to want me to hurt it. Hurt it! I couldn't figure out what it was!