Thursday, March 27, 2008

Over It

Penny is getting pushier every day. Sometimes I sneak up on the humans' bed when they are asleep to try to catch a few comfy winks. Who usually jumps up there and ruins everything? Well, yes, of course Penny, I didn't exactly keep that mysterious, did I? Anyway, she's extremely loud when she jumps up because her little short legs have to scrabble for purchase, and inevitably the humans wake up and off we go. Even then, she tries to dig in and stay and they are pushing, pushing, trying to get her to jump off. She's so stubborn, or stupid, or... something.

Can you tell she's back to driving me loco? No more philosophic goodwill to all from the Sass. Been there, done that, bought the refrigerator magnet, aaaannnd we're over it.


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