Penny is really getting on my nerves. She's rebellious without being really good at it, you know? I think she's too lazy.
Lately she's been trying to make us call her Penz (very emphatically with a z), she's been talking about getting another tattoo (even though she won't let anyone touch her ears without yelping), and she's been listening to Punk Dawgs and Hounds of Hell whenever she can get her paws on the computer. And I swear I caught her smoking the other day. I don't even know what it was, since no one here smokes. She probably found a cigarette butt on the ground. Gag. Come to think of it, how did she light the bloomin' thing? Hmm. I have to ponder this. Maybe she's smarter than I've been giving her credit for.
I just realized she has been really itchy lately. The humans have commented on it. Even after a bath and flea treatment she's crazy itchy.
Dios mio, I hope she hasn't gotten mixed up with drugs. Where would she even get anything? I mean, we do have some shady characters loitering along the street behind our house, but I've never noticed Penny paying particular attention. This is a mystery. Could she really have a whole other personality that we've never suspected? A secret life?
Nah. She's about to turn two, so it's probably just a pesky teen thing that she'll get past soon. And she probably just has sensitive skin; itchiness isn't a lot to go on to determine whether or not she's a doggy junkie.
But if I have to stage an intervention for her, I am not going to be happy.