Monday, December 24, 2007

What's Up, Dog?

Not long after my last post, I got really sick again. My male human had to take me to a clinic in the middle of the night and then to another doctor the next day, and then my female human ended up taking me to yet another doctor a few days after that! It was miserable. Poked, prodded, stuck with sharp things, left alone in a cage in a strange place... I wasn't feeling so sassy then, I can tell you. What is up with this?

Now I'm back on yucky food but I guess it's for the greater good. Mine, that is, and my humans'. They are much happier now that the Sassinator is back. Molly and Penny aren't, as they now have to fall back in line. And eat the same yucky food.

Oh, how I love that silver lining.