Here I Am!
Hello, everybody! I know I've been remiss in my posting, so I decided to take a moment while I've got the chance. Usually the humans are on the computer or the little annoyance is in the way, so I can't get up here. But now all is calm.
Things are much the same as usual: Molly still sleeps a lot, Penny still annoys us all, I'm still wonderful and the light of my humans' lives...
There has been some moving around and adding of furniture lately and a lot of boxes and things sitting around. There's a rocking chair we aren't allowed on, some kind of small cage thing that swings back and forth in the bedroom, and a new dresser. From what Molly says, this is related to my female human's huge belly. And I use the term advisedly. I think I mentioned that it was getting harder to fit on her lap lately? Well, forget it now, folks, it's impossible.
I have a bad feeling about all of this. It was bad enough when they brought Penny home, and now, who knows what will be coming home? Molly had puppies when she was younger, and she said her belly got big for a while and then all of a sudden, there were puppies! So she says that is what is happening with the female human. Great! Just what we need, a lot of little puppies running around! Oh, but I guess they won't be puppies, will they? They'll be little humans. Great! Just what we need. Hmph. As usual, no one bothered to ask me what I think of all this.
On a lighter note, here are some pictures to brighten everyone's day.

Here I am, mangling a tissue.

Oh, if only that were Penny...