Monday, July 31, 2006

Creature Feature

Yes, again! I don’t know what’s going on in our backyard, but I don’t like it. Apparently, if you're a bug, this is party central, something akin to Studio 54 in its heyday. Look at the photo evidence, if you don't believe me. You think the white powder on that ant-thing is just dirt?

Apparently, this is coming-out season for society locusts, and our steps are the new hot location for their debutante balls. We never know when we'll discover yet another locust coming out right on our steps. (Just between you and me, I find the whole thing melodramatic and overrated. Not to mention gross.)

And do you see the stick-bug has its own Mini-Me? Is that a midget stick-bug? A dwarf? (Or, to be PC, a Little Bug?) Or is that its child? I'm going with child. I don't think a bug would willingly drag around another one unless it either gave birth to it or planned to snack on it later.

All I'm saying is, it's crazy out there. I try to ignore them all as best I can. "Live and let live" -- that's my motto. I just hope it's theirs, too.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Visitors, Parte Dos

The little humans, Emily and Zachary, were here again last week. They even spent the night here! I was so excited I couldn’t sleep. My female human wasn’t too pleased about that; she said she couldn’t sleep either and the next day she had to go to work and couldn’t lay around and sleep all day! Whatever that means.

Anyway, it was very fun to have them here. Molly enjoyed it, too. Emily lets me lick her in the face to show my affection, but Zack doesn’t like that so much. I don’t know why.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Power of the Booty

I've got some incredible moves. Molly knows; she has to face the wrath of the Kung Fu Queen on a daily basis. I've got a patented spinning butt thrust that works every time. She never sees it coming. I call it the Booty Smackdown.

Me in Action

You can see Molly is taken aback by my astonishing prowess, or my wicked mad skillz, as the kids like to say. Yo, Dawg.