Mis Companeras
I've been in philosophic mood lately, and here's what I've been thinking about mis compaƱeras, Molly and Penny. Molly went to the doctor Saturday for her annual shots. She also had her nails trimmed and her ears cleaned. (Of everything she had done, she's complained the most about her ears.) She hasn't felt well since, so she's been grumpy. I think she feels better today, which is good, because I don't like it when Molly is upset and different. She's usually so steady that it throws everything off. She's my anchor, I guess.

Penny, on the other hand... Well, I suppose she's pretty steady, too, in her own wild way. She got shut down by Molly a couple of times in the last couple of days, but it didn't faze her in the least. I can't decide if I admire her for that, like she's just that optimistic and persevering, or if I pity her for it, like maybe she's mildly retarded. Well, she seems pretty happy, so I suppose I'm a little admiring/envious either way.

Here's Penny in a nutshell: needy and demanding, tempermental and touchy, but wholeheartedly in love with her humans and Molly and me. There's nothing halfway about Penny. On the whole, I think that's kind of endearing.
Don't tell her I said so or she'll be completely unbearable.
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