Bigger, Soooo Not Better
This... is just wrong.

Boy, did Molly hate this picture -- not only does it include a horse (believe me, she hates a horse) but also a dog as big as a horse! She barked at it and whined and looked at me as if it were somehow my fault this freak of nature exists. Finally she snorted and left the room in disgust. Hmm, maybe I should print this picture out; I could get some mileage out of it. By which I mean peace and quiet.
I can't believe he's famous just for being a horrific glandular mishap. Where's my Guinness entry for being the most brilliant, talented, and beautiful dog ever? Life simply isn't fair.
That is one big, ugly dog, yo. I mean, wow.
Don't worry Sassy. You deserve an award for wit.
this is a very scary picture and i just weed on the chair because it was so scary.
I am scared of big dogs.
I'm only 8 inches high!
lots of love xx
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