Monday, October 30, 2006

To Sleep, Perchance to Freeze

We -- Molly and I -- have been relegated to sleeping on the floor. Again. Only this time I think the humans mean it. We do have beds of our own, of sorts, and soft blankets. But still. It is cold and drafty down there, and I think it may be sort of insulting, as well. I mean, why can't we sleep on the bed with the humans? We aren't good enough suddenly?

So what happened to cause this sea change?

I think I know: MOLLY. I never had this trouble before she came along. And I can't say that I really blame them; she is large, smelly, and noisy. But I'm not sure why I got dragged down with her. It's completely unfair. This is discrimination. I wonder if I could interest the ACLU in my case?

Maybe I'll just get Molly to play in traffic.


At 8:36 PM, Blogger Tupac Da Dogg said...

I know this ACLU lawyer that takes dog cases, if you want. That's wrong. First beds. Tomorrow it's food. I'm telling you, those humans are slick when you're not looking. It's getting cold up here, and Dad ain't letting me up in his big southwestern bed. And we live in New England!

Dogs of the world...UNITE!


At 12:33 PM, Blogger sassyboodle said...

Right on, Tupac! Let's stage a revolt. I'm considering starting a petition, but I'm not sure whom I would give it to. Hmmm...


At 9:24 AM, Blogger Tupac Da Dogg said...

We send it to the UN Security Council for Dog Rights. They don't know who they are messing with. When we get organized, we run in packs, yo.

At 7:46 AM, Blogger indie said...

hi Sassy!

I dont realy know what the ACLU is, but I do know a good lawyer. My mum works for a top lawyer in London, she is her nanny, and they think she's great, so I reckon she could represent you for free.
I think you should report your folks to the RSPCA too, it sound like they are taking away your puppy rights, such as
1. human food
2. sleeping on the bed
3. doing whatever you please thankyou very much.

I have been recently told, I can't jump on the sofa whenever I like.
My mum has taken to watching this dumb program on sky tv, called the dog whisperer. she has checked out his website too, and I'm sooooo in big trouble. New rules. Like to see them try!
In their defence, they did just take me on a cool holiday. check out my site!

Stay strong pupster xx
love indie xx


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