Stormy Weather
Sorry it's been a while. Not too much has been going on. There were a couple of really bad storms that came through here not too long ago; that's what my humans call them, anyway. All I know is that it was mucho loud! I had to hide -- ahem, very reasonably seek shelter -- in the bathroom for quite a while. Both my humans were home all day on one of the days and seemed pretty happy about it. They didn't have to go to work, whatever that is.
Now that the storms have gone through, it is muy bueno outside! The air is brisk, there are new smells, and it all makes me want to play. Molly, too, though sometimes she needs some coaxing. As much as I hate to admit it, we both feel better and have more energy since the humans switched us to the flavorless mush that is now our food. We look better, too, though I wouldn't have thought it was possible in my case. Molly, aka Fatty, had a lot of room for improvement. Pretty soon she'll be The Dog Formerly Known as Fatty.
Here are a couple of examples of how pretty it's been here. These are not pictures we took, alas; I need to get the humans out taking pictures so you can see what it actually looks like here.

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