Sick as a Dog
Sorry it's been a while; I've been sick. And the picture of Fatty, I mean Molly, took a while to post because my humans wouldn't upload it! Grr.
Anyway, back to me. A couple of weeks ago my humans had to take me on a long car ride to a Dr. Emergency's clinic or something. I didn't like it one bit. They poked and prodded and injected water under my skin; it was gross. I have to admit I feel better now, though I still get a little queasy now and then.
My humans have apparently decided that all I can eat now is something I wouldn't even make Molly eat, but it's all they will give us. (Molly actually is suffering along with me, heh heh.) I keep hoping I'll be able to eat something different soon, but what I'm hearing them say is downright depressing. No more people food. NO MORE. PEOPLE FOOD. Read: NO MORE FOOD WITH FLAVOR. Why do I have to be such a delicate Southern flower? In just this one way, I'd like to be more like the peasant Molly. Her stomach is apparently lined with cast iron.
Just so you'll see what I mean, here's an example of our recent delectable dining experiences:

Minging. Mingster. Mingaroony.
Sassyboodle, it looks like cat sick.
sometimes my cat brother and sister, go around to the old folks houses in our block in forest Hill (south East London) and they eat the leftovers from the meals on wheels. Now the borough of lewisham serve the better meals on wheels so the old folk tell my mum, but poor trav, it makes him so sick, and hes so nice that he doesnt throw up on the old folks floor-no he saves it up for mum and das bed. It looks like that picture. Are you sure they havent had it shipped over for you?
I am on Iams, and occasionaly shepherds pie when i go to grandma and grandads in Dorset. I say REBEL. come on Puppy, lets get you some human tasties. (have you thought of bin busting? It's so easy, I do it all the time and get some real goodies!)
Let me know how you get on.
Love Indie.
p.s. I just went to the vets today too, and those stupid foxes have given me mites. Gross.(they hang out in our garden when its really late) I'm now on a course of antibiotics and had to have a jabin my bum. Yuk. Not impressed. and to think my mum and dad joined the campaign to get fox hunting banned. Selfosh ungrateful foxes.
The food is pretty bad but they say I can't have people food anymore (and that was almost all I ate before!). Humans!! They are changing our food a little lately, so it isn't quite so foul, but... I'm afraid the good days are gone. Sigh.
At least I don't have mites.
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