The other evening we were out for our evening constitutional when we espied an odd creature scurrying along the fence (in the yard next to ours, thank goodness --
ahem, I mean, more's the pity). At first my female human thought it was a sick cat or perhaps something called a raccoon, but it turned out to be God's mistake again. I presume it's the same one. I
knew Molly was worthless!

This time it climbed a tree. Yes, this complete freak of nature CAN CLIMB TREES. This is not good. Now I'll have to look up all the time to make sure some Ninja possum isn't hurtling down on me, hell-bent on revenge. Because despite the fact that all of its humiliation and rage can be traced directly to Molly, I'm sure that it will be
me it will land on. After all, I'm
much smaller than the bloated rabble-rouser Molly, and I'm guessing that a strict eye-for-an-eye policy isn't necessarily a major character trait of the Ninja possum.
Hi Sassy!
I've updated my blog with a picture of a Fox so you can check out what they look like.
Puppy pal, dont be afraid of that pesky creature in your yard, it's just all teeth and talk.( Very showy offy to, climbing tress!) You could take it on no problem, should the need arise.
I find that barking and growling makes us look a lot tougher than we are, you could always try that? Anyway, you always have Molly for protection!
Take care!
Love Indie xx
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