The Tao of Poo
I just want to explain something to humans. My humans take me outside regularly to "do my business," as they so euphemistically put it. Then they get impatient while I find the proper place to do said business. They don't seem to understand that there is an art to this process. I have to smell the area, perform a visual check, and walk around to screen for uneven ground, sticks, anthills, acorns, rocks, etc. Once I sense the area feels right, I can leave my fertilizing gift for Nature. It's a delicate balance, a Zen-like spiritual exchange. But do my humans understand? Well, maybe they will, if they read this. Please, people, respect the business!
I realize that Molly does not view the process as an exchange between herself and Nature, as I do, but we all know the intellectual level she's working at.
Or do we...?
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