Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Hello, my public! Let me start by saying that you need to forgive me if there are any typos in my postings; not having human hands makes typing tricky! But I will do my best.

Some of you may know that I have a new "sister" (as my male human is wont to call her); her name is Molly. She's okay. I enjoy playing with her, but she always eats my food and takes my bones. She can be a real bully. Why do I allow this to happen, you ask? She's bigger than I am, if you must know, and also, ladies don't get into common brawls. So I choose to allow her to take the food or the treat or whatever is so important to her; I'd rather not get ruffled. She's also noisy and um... how can I put this delicately? Fragrant? Noisomely fragrant? She's supposedly a purebreed, but she seems awfully common.

I don't want to be too hard on her; she is nice most of the time, and it is nice to have company. Especially since the humans are gone all day.

We have some new rules around the house that I suspect are because of Molly. I can no longer get into the bedroom for my afternoon siestas; they close the doors during the day! Also, I'm not allowed on the bed to play or to sleep. That was a long-established, time-honored tradition but do they care? Humans. They don't understand loyalty. So now I have to sleep on the floor on a dog bed, like a dog. I don't like thinking about it.

Uh-oh, here comes Molly. I wonder what she wants. Probably to take the keyboard. I better sign off or she's going to break something. I'll write more when she's taking one of her many naps. Adios!


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